
I think I have a camera problem

I like sunsets

See told ya

Street light

Anyway enough of my bumb pics. How is every one??? Leave a comment, and tell me truthfully how you feel at this exact moment. The gauntlet has been thrown.



Our walk, A pictorial

Hmmmmmmmm. I smell something Dad

Yup!!! Benson. Pretty Flowers

"I despise flowers Dad"

Oh Benson, LOL LOL LOL

Oh Benson Look at the big orange ball...

"I'll get it for you Daddy"


Benson.... Did you eat all the grapes???

Oh Benson...Will we ever compare???

The view from where I sit

This is what I see when not staring at the pretty screen.
Well I have come to a conclution. My previous job was supervising a group home for troubled youth. In my 5 yrs. There I witnessed and had to help children as young as 5 deal with being taken from there home and parents for many, many reasons. Most of these children suffered from massive cognitive delays but also had very little in the way of social skills. But these little troopers would always trudge on. Now on the other hand the people I work with, no doubt are borderline retarded and being grownups still lack any type of social skill what so ever. They target people to take there frustrations out on. Assemble cliques in order to look down their noses at others ect...ect...ect... What took those children 5 yrs. To do is taking these people a little over a year. I feel totally burnt out!!! Do your damn job, know that I'm only here to help bring the company up to date with technology and change is not bad SO DEAL WITH IT PEOPLE and for the love of pete try and smile once in a while.


Who ever said it was a two way street lied

It appears that even in this I have failed. Why am I not enough for you??????




This is my very first attempt at art. Is it any good? Please comment, good, constructive or otherwise


P.S. I Really like it sort of speaks to me.

Your not soaking in it

Yaaaaaaaa!!!!! Look what came today. The dishwasher. Now if I could just figure out how to install it. Sorry all for the post last night folks, sometimes I just get emotional. I guess I should clean up this disaster of a house but Nora Jones is singing to me and she makes me soooooooo mellow. I think I'm gonna place an add in the paper offering myself a part time pet. Think about it. You come home from work I get all excited, run around, lick your face, knock you down and cuddle you for a good 10 min. While you rub my belly and vent about your day. Then I get up and leave. Wholly Dave pure genius, just have to figure out how much to charge and if occationally pooping on the floor is a good idea???




Benson in his room still not speaking to Daddy
Oh god they butchered him
Well I'm gonna take a break and be serious for a sec. My dog hates me. He took all his toys up to his room and he won't budge. All I get is the accusing stare you see above. Please Martha get home soon. Because he was soooo furry before his....ummmm...doggy marbles never swung in the breeze. Now every time he trys to walk he just sits and licks (frikin show off). I admit it must feel weird to go commado for the first time, but he won't even go outside. I hope he at least feels a bit cooler and gets used to it. I feel so guilty..... Now onto my rant. Tony Blair and Fuckface Bush are urging the English people to go about their daily lives in defiance of the bombings. That is all well and good for CNN sound bites but those two are not living in the same world the rest of us are. It would be the same as me walking up to a homeless person and saying "Get a fucking job" then hopping in my car and heading home to have a BBQ. I never thought in my life I would say this but at this moment in time "I am ashamed to be Canadian" Even though the majority of us hosers do not support war, we should have stood up taller following 9/11, the Spain bombings and now these attacks in London. Don't get me wrong it goes well beyond patriotic pride. These animals are attacking innocent people in the most cowardly way possible and then claiming resposability. I dunno maybe I'm just ranting. But hey I'm part of the "ME GENERATION" I want my MTV and instant gratification. I don't want to talk to my neiboughr I'd rather not get involved. Give me my McShit and give it to me dummied down and luke warm. Honestly I really have to try hard to find things to bitch about and I don't like it!!!! ME ME ME I I I scuze me while I try and ram my head further up my ass to deafen the roar of reality....OK enough.


This is before

This I think is my dog after

This is me

OHHHHHHHHHHH oh oh oh WTF?????......... No words........Must....Lie.....Down


Well well... lookie who I caught on camera. Seriously she is the most beautiful woman EVER!!!!!! The inside is just as smokin as the outside. She loves me I have no idea why but hey, why french kiss a gift horse right...or...urrr, paging Dr. Freud. Anyway Benson went to the Vet. and then to the groomer this morning. He is currently still at the groomers and I am having huge separation issues. To the grooming ladies, If you harm one hair on his body I'll be forced to.... I am sure he is fine but I can't wait for him to get home. This is my last week off work and I'm kinda excited to get back!?!? It must be the heat. Well I'm gonna travel on foot down to the BBQ and Micro Brewery Fest and see how many mullets I can count.



I can here the dickweed now
"We saved five grand not going for that Washroom package"
"that's how they get ya you know all the add ons but I'm on to em"

I'm not neutered and I'm comin for you Lassie

First of all let me say that I want/need a big frickin yellow back hoe. That way when I see these knuckle dragging, mouth breathers watering there lawns during the worst heat wave in recorded history, I can drive up and pound the shit out of the lawn until it's a freking hole. We are suffering from a massive water shortage and these dicks just stand there or better yet turn it on and go in the house for several hours just so the grass on his lawn can be better than his neighbors. Ahhhhh that's better got that out. Oh and another thing If I hear Dog the leg humping bounty hunter theme music one more time, I'm gonna let my shower curtain have it's way with me!!!


Never shower alone

Ok here's the thing. I bought a new shower curtain not so long ago at IKEA. Every time I take a shower this thing is trying to seriously hump me!!! I'm not kidding. I can turn on the shower and wait for the water to warm up and it won't move, but as soon as I get in it's all over me like a catholic priest on a 10 year old. Even when I try to weigh it down with a shampoo bottle at each end they some how fall off when my eyes are closed rinsing my hair and the damn thing starts caressing my body???? HELP ME PLEASE!!!!


I got some sleep!!!!!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO

See I told Ya he has his own room!!! I also figured out the timer on the camera hip hip horaay, shower photos galore. Just kidding. I actually slept last night. Martha asked me to lay in "my spot" witch is with my head on her tummy so she could rub my head and the next thing I know it's 5:30 am and Benson is yelling out his window at some poodle peeing on "his" street. I love you Mawta Bear you take such good care of this frazzled old man! You may wonder why there are not more pics. Of my wife on this Blog and the reason is simple. She is extremely pissed about the picture of her with crossed eyes from the Rainy cottage weekend post. And as a result has banned me from taking pictures of her for a week. So I am honoring this punishment till it ends or I'll probably find myself cameraless for a very long time (yes she wears the pants and I wear the pockets) Dickweed Mustang man seems to have sorted out his car trouble but I am still giggling like a Japanese school girl thinking about his reaction to my finger giving. That's all for now gotta spend some time with wifie as she has to go in to work early today. I think Doodle bug (Benson) and I will go for a walk with the camera this aft. I will post the pics. When I get home.
Love you all


Boring day... Better night

Well folks, I'm in a little better space than I was this am. After Martha went to work I was really down. I did sweet frig all for a couple of hours and then Benson finally came down from his room (yes my dog has his own room with a queen sized bed and a view of the street. So he can bark at anyone passing by so what????) Anyway he came down and brought me my sandals. I did not really want to take him for a walkies but hey try to say no to that face. We walked the trail behind our house for about an hour. Score card Benson poops: 4 Davey poops: 0, Bensons pees: 20+, Davey's pees 1. Honestly walking in the forest with nobody around for miles does something for the soul. And peeing outside in daylight is VERY LIBERATING!! To top things off I was out and about without the Dr's okay and also when we walked by dickweed Mustang guy (see this am's post) I gave him the finger!!!!!! No kidding he was sitting out front with his Manatee of a wife and BLAM some guy limping down the street walking a dog gave him the finger. I was biting my tounge to keep from laughing. His face went from that "oh it must be one of my buddies" to looking at his wife as she asked "Do you know that guy?". We arrived home in great spirits, I asked Benson if he wanted a bath and he ran straight for the tub. He loves water and water mixed with invigorating massage= doggie heaven. Come to think of it maybe Martha will do the same for me tonight....Yah your right not likely. I have decided that if I cannot sleep I will Blog my thoughts and feelings in the am. Maybe keeping track of this will help me unscramble WTF is going on. Well my pretties that's all for now hopefully you won't hear from me till 2morow morn.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH somebody put a fricken bullet in me. Yesterday was not too bad but today..... I feel like I could rip the arms off of WWE wrestler. Maybe cold turkey is not the way to go when you sit around all day!?! Anyway I put a call into the Dr. That performed my surgery to see if I am at least able to get out and about. I am having a smoke and awaiting his call back. Relax it's only one I am still gonna quit but I need to rethink my strategy. I fell asleep around 5:30 am today, but he rest of the night was spent plotting the death of the guy up the street who's lovely mustang kept sounding it's horn in one continual blast. Now I'm not talking or 10 min. Here the first time was like a 1/2 hr. By the time my patients ran out and I went outside to see "what the fuck" was going on half the neighborhood was out there (keep in mind it's 3:30 am). We finally got this guy out of bed and he unlocked his car opened the door and the horn stopped. The dickweed was not even apologetic. Witch was prob. Not smart because a Frankinstine type mob had assembled on his driveway. Not even 10 min. After the street cleared it started again. Dickweed goes out opens door, horn goes off he goes back in. 5 min. Later yup you guessed it...... After about an hour of this somebody must have called the cops because they showed up and pulled the cables off of his battery. Now that I have witnessed all this "drama" I can't sleep, I can't smoke and for the love of Christ because of my stitches I can't even masturbate!!!! So I tuned into the history channel where they were re-running "The sinking of the Athabaskin" I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking of pleasuring myself and how much I miss it. That's it for now kiddies



That's It I Quit!!!!!!

Well where to start..... Ok on my B-day I was in the most excrutiating pain any human has ever endured (ok maybe just me). Through the haze of pain and prescription drugs I had a thought. Yes it can happen stop laughing!!! I turned 31 and I started smoking when I was 15. This means I have been smoking for over half of my life!!!! Martha later pointed out that I had quit before a couple of times for well over a year. But still my way sounds more tragic. Since that day I have been toying with the idea of quitting. Well today folks is day ONE. I am motivated, in a surprisingly good mood and determined to make this happen. I have bought some nicorette (nicotine laced chewing gum) for when things get tough. I promise mot to kill anyone and not to gain any more then 10 pounds. The weight thing may be hard though because I have not been to the gym on a regular schedule since starting this shitty job at Krug. I mean after a 10 hr. Shift and then going home to, doing dishes, laundry, walking Benson ect. I just can't find the motivation. Also 6 weeks into my new job I dislocated my elbow and was forbade by my doctor to keep up my routine. At first it was not too bad I went from a steady 185 lbs. Down to 160 lbs. Due to the amount of walking I was doing. But then it started to happen. Yes folks I speak of the dreaded boiler!!! You know the "Daddy" belly, spare tire, love handles ect. ect. I tried to eat smart but processed food is just soooo convenient. Now I am a lumpy 175 lbs. And growing. I have now been off of work for 3 weeks and have just gotten the ok for light activities. So this means prob another 2 weeks of flubbing around the house eating constantly. As soon as I can I'm getting my cottage cheese look'n ass to the gym. As for the killing people part.....The last person I stabbed was myself and I don't want to walk that road again anytime soon (but that is a story for later) So I feel I can control that and if I can't I'll just hop in the car and randomly give people the finger on the 401. Anyway that's all for now. I will post tonight before bed to let yall know how the day went.

A few pics. from rainy cottage weekend

Here is the cottage (during our 5min. of sunshine) Benson spent almost the whole weekend swimming. This is how he starts. Getting used to the water temp. I suppose???

Once he gets into the deep water he leaves his head dry as it acts like a water wing. LOL

Rain+cottage+booze+camera= fun photo time


Good day all. Well the beer thing did not work. I did however get about 4 hrs of uninterrupted sleep. This is a pic. Of me and Wifie Martha last year at the cottage. We are heading up after she is done work tonight. I had a thought yesterday as I was at the drive threw bank machine. Why does the key pad have Braille on it??????? That must be one freakin smart dog!!! Another thing I noticed is that even when I'm alone my farts make me giggle. Well I gotta get packing and walk Benson to de-bounce him for the car ride. I will have lots of pics. and will post on Sunday night. Bye Bye my pretties.


Well I have decided on the beer method. Benson and I are now going to attempt a car ride to cool off ass well as pick up supplys. The humidity is killing me this week!!!! The temp. is around 36-37 oc but with the humidex it feels like 40+ The cottage is sounding better and better. At least we will have the breeze off of the lake and some shade (our house is new and all the trees are still twigs) Maybe we can pop into DQ for a treat.

Well folks another night and still no sleep! I fear at this rate I am going to go insane. Can you actually tell the point where you cross that line? I recently had surgery and since have been confined pretty much to either the couch or the puter. I don't know if it is the disruption of my normal routine or if just being trapped in the house is causing me to fall into a depression. Any thoughts or comments on this would be appreciated. I think tonight I just might try and set a world record for drinking 6 beer and see if I can render myself unconscious. Seriously I have tried every deep breathing, relaxation and trick (trying not to let your tongue touch the top or bottom of your mouth) and I still cannot fall asleep. I can even tell the time by what is on! I have another week before I can go back to work but at this rate I don't think I'll make it. Martha has suggested we go up to the cottage this weekend and I can lounge in the hammock. However my inability so sit still and Benson's infectious energy may case me to push it and end up prolonging my recovery period. Martha goes to work at 2:30 and that's when I really go nuts. Alone and board with my mind racing is not a good combo. Anyway enough of this little pitty party as I said any comments would be greatly appreciated. Better still drop me an e-mail or IM me. Till later beautiful people.....


Pictures of me and impotrnt people in my life

Me at the head table "behaving" as promised
The lady with the grey hair is my mom-in-law
she is very proper and hates this kind of thing.
I wounder if that is why I find it sooooo fun?
This is my wife/bestfriend Martha, Looking amazing at the wedding
This is me looking slightly scared at the wedding

This is my best pal Benson he is 7 mths. old
His favorite things to do are: Pee on everything
Look cute, Belly rubs, Catch frogs and get dirty
Every chance he gets

Martha posing at cottage

Hey how did I get the Chips Glasses?

This is Me

Hello all you people. This is my first stab at this blog thing so please bear with me while i get the hang of things. I posted this picture because I find it completely funny. I am extreamly laid back and when I saw this "angry face" it reminded me of why I smile. Thats all for now TTFN.