

I do not know why I look so evil in this pic.? Because bath time is really fun right Benson....Benson? awwww damn it....
Please Daddy not the brush
Mommy and Glorae 27 weeks

I hate it when I mess up but I'm too lazy. So enjoy them twice. Witnessed a scary accident on the way home from work today. I work way out in the boonies and most of the traffic on the country roads travels quickly. In front of me this typical invnisible male teenager pulls his little sports car into the on coming lane and trys to pass the SUV in front of us. He got up to about 120 kph when an on coming car crested the hill right in front of him. He veers violently back into the proper lane nailing the SUV on the back driver side tire. This causes the SUV to swerve into the oncoming lane narrowly missing a car. Through a farmers fence and into a corn field. The SUV was air Bourne for a few seconds. That's when I started to pray. The sports car misses me by a few feet and comes to rest against a telephone pole. By the time I knew what I was doing I was pulled over and racing toward the SUV. There was an elderly lady behind the wheel who was in complete shock. After a couple of seconds I talked her into releasing the steering wheel with one hand long enough to unlock the door. She was a real mess but after about 5 min. She was crying and asking what happened. This is a good sign by the way. I borrowed her phone to call police as this teenager sauntered up to us. I asked if he was ok then suggested that it may be the best idea for him to go back to his car and call a family member. I was soooo angry. The lady kept checking the little car seat in the back, saying the had just dropped off her 6 month. Old grand daughter!!!! This is why I had said I started to pray all I could see as she was bouncing around the front seat was the car seat in the back. As I hopped the fence (I must have looked sexy) I was very scared as to what I might find. The police came took my statement and after a big hug I gave the lady a bottle of water and my just incase tissues from the car then came home. I guess the whole point to this is. The next time you are impatient or take a risk to shave a couple of seconds off of your commute just stop to think how many lives you could irrevocably ruin in a blink of an eye.



Well here it is.... TAAAA DAAAA. The hanging, hand made glass star that my loving wife has been yearning for. It's up, it's wirerd properly and it works!!!! Why in the world anyone would want a red glass star, I'll never know. But for my wife I would slay Dragons with my bare hands. Or maybe just settle for some....Know what I mean....Wink wink.....Nudge nudge....nuff said nuff said. The week has not gotten any better since Monday. The weather has been very mild though and has allowed Benson and I to get tyo the dog park all week. He is currently waiting by the door waiting for me to shower so he can go for his Thursday play date with Emma. Emma is 7 months. Old and LOVES Benson. They plow around the house and play like no tomorrow. I really don't mind because our friends have 2 kids, one is 7 ( I am teaching him Japanese) and the other is 8 months....Tee hee I love her she is so cute. Nothing else really new. Momma Mawta is doing well (if you call a Lion with an unscratchable itch ok). Glorae is really starting to react to my touch, voice and singing. Even kicked me away this morning!!!!! Just like her Mom. Kidding Bear. Oh by the way we now know 2 baby girls named Willa. Is this a new "cool" name?. Ok Bensi I'll get in the shower. Till later, sorry it's so boring here but hey JUNE 1st is GONNA ROCK...Me as a Daddy who'd a thunk?




OK now I'm really pissed!!!! Stupid blogger will not allow me to up load pics!!!!! Had a bastard of a weekend, work stunk today!!!! And to top it off my dog is a muderer. I came home to a little field mouse covered in drool, with Benson looking at me like "why won't he play anymore?" Seriously I'm ready to crack. It seems to me that I always have to be the person to listen patiently, while everyone else around me goes insane!!!! Go ahead people I'm a human fucking toilet. I never need to unload! NEWS FLASH I'm just as human as all of you. The only difference being I can step back from my stress and listen and validate when others need a shoulder. I just don't WAIT for my turn to speak. I listen and try to be sympathetic. I cannot afford to be apathetic, it's not me. Oh and by the way the next time you feel like you need somebody to sort out a domestic dispute involving violence CALL THE POLICE. That is not what a friend is or supposed to be. I don't want to see it, be a part of it or referee the damn thing. The truth be told (and I did tell it) if things have come to this then you both need to stop worrying about who is right or wrong and TALK about what you need to fix it. I have worked with toooooooo many children that have lived with this shit because "we need to stay together for the kids" belief it or not you don't have to be screaming at each other for them to know that something is wrong. Nothing in this world worth having comes without some kind of fight. But there comes a time to say enough is enough. People always talk about falling in love. What about falling out of love?Bottom line to all this is if you are not sure.....Keep it in your fucking pants. This goes for the boys and the girls. Because a young life needs guidance, structure and love. There is no blueprint for it. Hell most kids with 2 biological parents at home are a vast minority! They adapt, they roll with the punches, they are infant mammals that is what they have done for a millennia. But when you convince yourself of a lie you are not convincing them they are watching and learning. And when you have a young mind that is like play dough you are leaving a print. A print that over time will harden and become a piece of them. Regardless of how many times you try to smooth it over it will never be as it once was. I am not perfect far from it. I was scared to death of my wife (still am a little) because she loved me. To a man this is weird. We are not used to talking unless 1 of 2 this is happening. 1: guys only really talk about anything of consequence if they are doing something. Video games, walking on the golf course, playing hoops, hockey or some kind of physical activity. Or 2: They are drinking. Why this is I'll never know but it's just as much a part of my makeup as it is any males. And that old thing about being truly interested in what your partner is interested in....Look I think in some magical fantasy world a woman sitting down being geared up for "the big game" would be cool. I would then have to be equally interested in how she believes her breasts look the best just before her period. Lets face it I could not be objective at this point. If one popped out and hit the floor I'd still try to bang my face against it like a moth at a porch lite. People get caught up in the little stuff and when they do not communicate effectively, those little thing become huge. How many things did you find "attractively quirky" about your partner before you lived with them? Find that spark again, there are no other 2 people that know eachother as well as you do. Because at the end of it all when you have a really bad day don't you just wish that person was there? The one that knows you routinely wear the same undies all weekend? That you would rather wear flannel jammies instead of a corset and stockings? The one you can actually fart in front of? That is your real home. Those arms, that warmth, that safe spot.....Home. My heart aches. I know I can't fix everything, but please God I NEED A REST.
(I realize this was a rambling but hey when it's gotta come out....)


Your Five Factor Personality Profile
You have medium extroversion.You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party.Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences.But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time."
You have medium conscientiousness.You're generally good at balancing work and play.When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done.But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.
You have medium agreeableness.You're generally a friendly and trusting person.But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism.You get along well with others, as long as they play fair.
You have medium neuroticism.You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic.Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy.Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of.
Openness to experience:
Your openness to new experiences is high.In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas.You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits.A great connoisseir of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything.
The Five Factor Personality Test
I had no idea this actually posted LOL.
I have no idea if this is acutally me, but if you know me feel free to leave a comment.


What a WEIRD Winter?

This is Mr. Benson (self portrait)
Me after very long day in dirty factory fixing computer cables
believe it or not this is my screen door!!! About 3/4 of an inch of Ice
My Glorae!!!!!!!!
I am sitting here after a very long day at work. Made even longer by the fact that we have had freezing rain for the pasty 24hrs. Ahhhh but I am home with my best buddy Benson, having a beer (me) and a rawhide bone with real peanutbutter crammed into the cracks (him). Nora Jones on the stereo and the world is right. It is almost March and we have yet to really see old man Winter!?! I really should be grateful, but it's quiet too quiet. I need to actually write down here that I need to be more patient with people. My mood lately has been very swingy. Suppose those are the joys of rapid swing Bi-polar. I have religiously doing 3-4 kata per night. Feels good actually and it still amazes me that when you mentally let go your body remembers how exactly to move. I have not touched base with my Karate for over 2 yrs. now. The death of my Japanese sensi Matsu hit me really hard. I lived with him in his village for over a year, in my teens to become a classically trained 3rd degree black belt. With my former job taking me to Japan almost bi-weekly, we stayed very close. But time heals all things, and full circle is how life is. 3 more months till you know who comes!!!!! Well I must fix dish washer and bring laundry up before the Mommy Bear comes home. So until nex time. Love yourself, others and celebrate!!! even the small things.
Davey "The Daddy man"



Well In honor of Valentines day I'm posting a pic of Mawta and I in our younger days. Notice I have 2 count em two eye brows and not a spec of facial hair.Back then I was so sure I knew what Love and Respect were.... Boy oh boy have I ever learned. Especially "Rule #1" that was passed on to me by a very wise woman. Anyway today was hectic at work but the atmosphere was very layed back and kinda fun. Took Mr. Benson to the dog park after work to see his friends. I will prob. get a speech about this as Mr. Benson decided to show his displeasure with Martha brushing him by ripping a cook book to shreds. I have still yet to consult with the doctors about my test results. This is because I'm a big chicken and I'm doing the head in the sand thing. Although my Mom-in-law is calling it the head up......Somewhere else thing. What if I am very sick? I don't know what to do or how to feel? All signs are pointing to a big uh oh, but why. This is the first time in my life my body has not listened to me. Ahhh I'm rambling



Home Alone

Well here we are. The 2 bachelors home alone with no mommy. We have not showered, shaved, brushed our teeth or changed our pants!!!! Lat night we went over to Mel and Nik's place (I'm M.C.ing at the wedding) they have a 6 month old puppy and Benson and Emma trashed the house!!!! My girls (thx on-line mom you know who you are) are not home yet but soon I hope. It's kind of funny. You get so used to somebody being there all the time and when they are gone it leaves a HUGE hole. I know my girls....tee-hee are coming home but it just seems so empty here. This is not to say us boys have not had fun! The T.V. has been on the sports station non-stop...Wholly shit.....SHE's HOME


Babies and Barium

This is me @ 4 yrs. Old . And yes I did want to be a Fireman thank you very much. Little did I know at this tender age that all I would ignite when I grew up was the fantasies of many...many young ladies. (At least that's the story when I tell it)
This is me @ 2 with my Grandma's Bovier Marika. This dog seriously mothered me. She would actually drag me back onto the beach buy my life jacket when I swam at Grandma's summer residence on Kachee Lake.
This, Obviously, is my innocent face
So.... It's been very busy here in the Young household. I have been to the Hospital more times than a flu virus over the past two weeks and they still have not told me anything!!!!! Well I suppose I'm not Dead so all is well. WHOLLY CRAP ON A POGO STICK I FELT MY ANGLE MOVE LAST NIGHT!!!! Martha was giggling in bed and saying "Oh she is doing her gymnastics" and I put my hand on her belly AND I FELT HER!!! I thought Martha was going to drown in my kisses. What an awesome woman!!! I want to meet Glorae (pronounced Gloree for the non Irish) soooo bad it hurts. I can't even peek at this present. Every second of my life so far was worth it. The good the bad. The rain, sun and snow. Tears, laughter and gut wrenching agony. Just so I could be here. Loved. Loving. And dancing on pins and needles. Never before has 9 months seemed like such a eternity. This goes out to you my love. I told you at the beginning of our relationship that I could tell you how much I loved you forever but I would SHOW with my actions, everyday how important you are. I hope I have never let you down. And for the record after all these years I have still not missed a single morning kiss. Or singing the "good morning song" on the weekends/vacation or when ever we get to sleep in together. Love is patient. Love is kind.... You know where I got that, and He loves and blesses us daily. NOW GIVE ME MY BABY!!!!!!