

I was driving home from work today, it was very snowy and slippery so instead of paying attention I began to replay the summer at the cottage. I miss it so, and it's only been a couple of months since we closed up for the season. I miss picking up Martha after her Friday shift @ 11. Pm. And making the drive most times with her snoozing. The absolute joy Benson exudes when he bolts out of the car and immediately goes "swimmins". Seriously we cannot keep this boy dry for more than 5 min. Martha inevitably doing the pee-pee dance while I try to unlock the door in the blackness. Having a glass of wine or a beer while we vent about the week, money issues or how Benson is wet and stinky. It us just us and the call of bull frogs and crickets. Waking at 7 and taking Benson for a poo and swim, then off for a walk to the store to buy the paper and feel the rising sun on my face. Walks on the beach, bbq's and long nights in front of the fire. We also play a lot of Skip-Bo (a Uno type game) and the final cottage score for the 2005 summer was Martha 45, Davey 42, Grandma Johnston 15 and the rest were in single digits. We also play ALOT of trivial pursuit, any edition you can name. The running tally on this is Davey one hundred gazillion Martha 1. Anyway I would love to hear about others Fav. Summer memories. So leave me a comment and let me know



Look at who was curled up on the couch enjoying a hot chocolate when I got home from work. MY BEAR!!!! Not only was she home, but a full pot of hot chilly and home made chocolate chip cookies for desert (still warm)mmmmmmm.

You know I have heard it said that you cannot live on love alone. But the Love and inspiration this woman brings me everyday feels every bit as vital as air itself. We heard the baby's heart beat today (if you are squeamish or old fashioned turn away now) I cried. I was overwhelmed with wounder, excitement, fear and every other emotion known to man!!!!! Work was fine, boss is away so not a whole lot got done. I'm super excited about Christmas ah well I'm just walking on air right now. I'll end here so I don't Just keep going on about how good I've got it.



My REAL Tree

This is my dear wife's fake tree. I have never had one. I usually go out and cut one down. Hmmmm reminds me of a funny story about a certain someone who wanting to look good for me in our dating years once wore stiletto boots and could not walk....Tee hee. Anyway I'm sure you can see this thing from space.This is My tree. I got it in protest. Kind of understated but majestic and festive (much like me). And yes for all of you perceptive types we have a MASSIVE fish tank. Why? You ask. Because Martha said so. Fish names are : Handsome Harry(big algae eating thing) Dozer(little algae eating thing) Larry, Curly and Moe, my tetras. Little Miss, Linda Carter, Mr. Big, Poopy McPoop pants, Madonna,T.S. and Elliot and a few I can't remember. Why did I just write this?

This is my boy Benson, a.k.a. Doodle Bug, Doodies, Nub Nub and of course NOOOO Bad boy. This is his expression after finding out it's too dark to go the Dog park.
Any way the good news for the day is that the company I have been working for has decided that they really like my work and believe I can take them "to the next level" So on Friday we will have a meeting to discuss whether I want the job, define said job and hammer out a salary. It feels really good, especially after the last two distasters where my end was kept up, but the company was talking out of both sides of thirer mouths. Special thanks to Mawta Bear, the rock upon witch I stand. For helping me everyday remember and belive that I was a person with lots to offer not just a commodity to be used and thrown away. I am conflicted a little because I miss the kids and the challenges of social work. However I still feel my heart is way too burdened to be very effective. Oh ya and by the way the Waterloo county DID implement my parallel program for youth with touretts!!! And I got ZERO credit. So to all the people I fought tooth and nail with, to implement a program based on self worth, celebration of small victories and self awareness. I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!
Just venting sorry, it is very frustrating remembering all the political bull crap that they put me through when all I wanted was for those boys to succeed.



Just a little letter to the love of my life. I know you never look at this blog, but hopefully you know most of these things anyway.
I love you I really do. You have provided me with so much love, happiness and a sense of calm. You have seen me through some rough times and always stood beside me. Never questioning some of the sillier choices have made and supporting me when I felt my life was not worth living. Remember when the police took me away and placed me in the suicide unit? You were there every min. Of every day. That comfort is what got me through. That was a long time ago and believe it or not my wedding vows still remain true. I love you more today then I did yesterday, and I will love you more tomorrow more than I do today. I have never missed a morning of kissing you before I leave for work. You are my best friend, some people roll there eyes and think ya right. But really we are two of the most intimately connected people in the universe. We laugh everyday, not just giggle but bust out until we have to pee and our eyes are wet. This pic. Of you that I took of you at the cottage is one of my very favorites. I was watching you at the grocery store today and I felt like I was in grade 8 again. My respect for you is tremendous. You are creating the most wonderful thing in the world, right inside of you!!! And believe it or not I am thankful that you have given me the "skinniest years of your life" as you like to say. You may feel "fat" and "unattractive" right now but believe me when I say I have never seen you so beautiful. Rest easy my Bear we can do this, we can do anything together. I mean come on we both have looked after some of the highest needs kids in Canada and not just one at a time. We can handle one little baby Bear that is born out of true love and respect. I am here and always will be I will continue to not only tell you these things but show you, everyday.
Big B



Hello all. Well tonight was Mawtas work X-mas party. It stunk!!!!!! Our table was full of non-talking dead beats and we did not win a door prize. To top it off I changed the batteries in the camera before we left, only to find out the ones I put in had an expiery date of 2002!!! So here is another wedding pic. Well second wedding (as you all remember we eloped the first time thinking it would save us money). Anyway we got an-excuse the expression-ass load of snow over the last two days and I must be "strong husband" and shovel.




Well folks TA-DA here it is Mommy's belly @ 14 weeks. Look at the little bump.... I AM SOOOOOO FREAKING EXCITED. After all that labour intensive, life interrupting trying ( I swear I hated every min. Tee hee) Mawta Bear now has a little person in her tummy! Good work honey your hired



Shhhh Don't Tell

SUCSESS!!!! Guess what I found??? Yup the camera cord. But here is where it gets tricky. I found it in the very place Martha said it was, the conversation went like this. "Thats it I quit we may as well just give this camera to the united way because we can no longer put the pictures on the computer" Martha says "Did you look where I asked you to?" irritated man thing responds "Yes, YES! YES!! it's not there" Voice of reason says "Was it a Dave look or a Martha look?" shoulders hunched, and puppy out in the rain eyes on I reply " A real good Martha look I swear it's gone" SOOOOO...uh heeem.. If we could keep this quiet it would save me a lot of explaining. To my Wife. I am sorry, but one of these days you will be wrong......Right?

The Final sunset for the season from our cottage. Canadian Thanksgiving marks the end of weekend escapes. Everyone was there for Turkey and all the trimmings and seemed to magically vanish when the "Closing up" commenced. What a great year we had!!! Funfest 2005 went off without a hitch for all of you that came down (or over geographically) from Alberta. And Martha only fell off the deck twice.
This unfortunately is Mr. Bensons thoughts on the pumpkin patch. I am now certain the Lord sent him here to teach me humility.Do you think someone HATES it when Mommy is not around in the day time?And I want more monkeys and bones and trips to the dog park, stinky socks, a bed as big as mommy and daddy's....and oh ya that Bob Barker guy..Guess what he cost me?

Is there a Wheaton in that mess or is it a Ewok? NUB NUBWhy oh why can I not grow hair in the middle of my chin? It would save a lot of shirt stains!! And Yes Martha has made me FAT!!!! I'm like a baby or a kitty if I'm happy I'll get fat.

Special Thanks goes out to all the NORTHERNERS you know who you are


6 5 4 3 2 1 SWITCH

OK I have officially gone crazy. I cannot find that silly cord for my camera!!!!! So I scanned my face I have some great pictures of Benson with Santa, his destruction of the house while Martha was away on a 3 day training seminar. oooohhhh hold on gonna look some more.





Nope not dead, just very busy. Lets see..... started a new job. Got Martha pregnant, walked at least 10000,0000 km with the Benson dog. And may I add been going crazy during this "festive?" holiday season. I did however get around to scanning alot of the wedding photos. Enjoy
Can I look happier? Waiting for the Bride


In the golf cart

The Fig leaf left NOTHING to the imagination